Below is a description of our pre-NFL Draft Training Program:
Skills Development-
Combine Specific Drills
- Practice the same drills that you will be asked to perform at the NFL Combine. Every drill is mapped out in the same manner that they appear at the Combine.
- Replicate volume, intensity, and duration of each group of Combine drills
- Gain valuable information on which drills are timed by scouts and coaches at the Combine based on player position- Gain valuable knowledge on which Combine drills scouts and coaches value the most
- Work individually with former NFL players on specific skills
- Watch video of past Combines
- Post-Season Game Drills
- Gain valuable information on the specific techniques that are analyzed by the scouts and coaches at the post-season bowl practices and games (e.g. Senior Bowl)
Performance Enhanncement
-Movement Training Decreases your 40-yard dash
-pro shuttle, 3-cone, and 60-yard shuttle times by learning3 point linear and start techniques
-Acceleration and maximal velocity mechanicsDeceleration and change of direction mechanics
-Strength Training Increase your vertical jump, long jump, and 225 pound bench repetitions by learning Total body power base strength, reversal strength, and rate of force development Individualized corrective exercises and core training.
- Condition and Regeneration ProgramImprove your condition for the flexibility and Cybex tests by achievingGreater flexibility through pool mobility, contrast therapy, and massageImproved health through a comprehensive approach to training.
Sports Nutrition
Our team at HSG will help you maximize your sports nutrition expert so you can achieve the body composition that NFL personnel are looking for based on your position. The HSG Sports Management program covers: Body Composition Body weight, body fat, and muscle mass, Staged goal body composition, Energy Expenditure, Determination, Calories expended through training, Calories expended though metabolic function, Calories expended through dietary induced thermogenesis.
-Individualized meal planning Caloric assignment
--Nutritional Education
-Individualized education sessions to aid in the design of ideal meal plans based on previous habits.
-Education sessions set up for continued nutritional planning throughout your career
-Supplements recommended on an individual basis based on analysis and goals
Non-Physical Preparation Wonderlic Test Preparation
-This test is an intelligence test administered by the NFL to assess aptitude for learning a job and solving problems.
-The twelve-minute test consists of fifty questions and is administered during the Combine.
-Take practice exams in preparation for the Wonderlic TestPrepare for the other intelligence tests given by individual NFL teams Work with a testing technician on: • Problem solving techniques for the different types of question
- Time management strategies to finish the exam in the allotted time
- Mental preparation strategies for the entire exam Interview PreparationWe will prepare you for the interview process with the NFL coaches, scouts, and other personnel through mock interviews.
-We will also provide you with valuable information on the interview process, including: Specific questions askedPotential answers to specific questionsTiming, length, and personnel involved with different teams Mental PreparationNFL Scouting Combine: What to ExpectThe NFL Combine is both mentally and physically exhausting.
-To help, we give you valuable time-management and mental preparation strategies. A detailed itinerary of what to expect on each day of the CombineYour pre-NFL Draft training schedule will be based around the Combine itinerary to replicate the order of drills you will asked to perform at the Combine Well before the Combine begins, we will go over every detail of the tests that you will be asked to perform at the Combine.
Below is a list of the primary ones.
- 40 Yard Dash Players will be timed in the standard 40 yard dash but it will also be timed for 10 yard and 20 yard splits to tests explosiveness
- Bench Press The player’s goal in this event is to bench press 225 pounds as many times as possible. Most important for offensive and defensive linemen.
- Vertical JumpMost important for receivers and defensive backs
- Broad Jump Most important for running backs and offensive and defensive linemen
- 20 Yard ShuttleThe 20 yard shuttle test lateral speed and coordination. The player starts in a three point stance, straddling a yard line facing the sideline. When the whistle blows, the player runs 5 yards to one side, touching the yard line. He then sprints 10 yards in the other direction and again touches the yard line, at which point he sprints back to the yard line he
started from.
- 3 Cone DrillThree cones are set up in a triangle, with each cone 5 yards apart. The player starts in a 3-point stance at the first cone. The whistle blows and the player sprints 5 yards ahead to the first cone, reaches down and touches a white line and then sprints back to the starting cone. At the starting cone, he reaches down and touches a white line, then heads back to the second cone. This time, he runs around the outside of the second cone, and cuts right to the third cone. He runs a circle around the third cone from the inside to the outside, then runs around the second cone before returning to the first cone.
- 60 Yard ShuttleThe 60 yard shuttle is similar to the 20 yard shuttle but each player sprints 5, 5, 10, 10, 15 and 15 yards
- Position Specific DrillsOne of the best ways to test a player’s ability to play a position is to run them at drills specifically designed for players of their position
- Physical MeasurementsEach player's height, weight, arm length, and hand length is measured. Offensive and defensive linemen, as well as running backs, are also measured for body fat percentage.
- Injury EvaluationEach player will undergo X-rays and a physical examination to determine their current and past injuries.
- Drug ScreeningEach player will undergo a drug screening for NFL banned substances
- Cybex TestThis test evaluates the flexibility and joint movement of each player
- Cybex TestThe Cybex test starts with a player strapped to a machine. The machine tests the player's joint movement and flexibility. While this test does not typically receive much attention, this test can have a significant impact on Draft stock for players with a history of injuries. For some players, it can literally be the test that determines if they get selected in the Draft.
- InterviewsEach NFL team is given the opportunity to interview up to 60 of the NFL prospects in attendance. The interviews take place in the player hotel, and typically contain questions designed to test a player's character, mental toughness, and football intelligence.